Brown County United Way (BCUW) is pleased to announce our latest System of Care granting opportunity.
BCUW is seeking proposals for three-year grants to begin in the fall of 2023. The intent of this funding opportunity is to provide support for service delivery by local nonprofit organizations that focus on the BCUW community impact areas of: health, education, community connection, and finance. Innovative projects that strengthen our community through individual intervention and programming with an emphasis on providing equitable opportunity to marginalized populations is fundamental to the BCUW Community Impact Agenda and grant funding practices. This Request for Proposal (RFP) provides prospective applicants with information to determine eligibility and alignment with BCUW priorities. Funding will be a competitive process.
- Application period: September 1-November 10, 2023.
- Applications are due November 10, 2023 11:59 PM.
- No late applications will be accepted.
- Grant cycle is April 1, 2024-March 31, 2027
- Requests must be between $10,000-$100,000/year of granting.
- New and previously funded grantees are eligible to apply.
- Program/project/activity must take place within Brown County and serve Brown County residents.
- Proposal must target individuals at or below the ALICE Threshold and/or poverty-level households.(Please click on Brown County for specific information).
System of Care grants are intended to help Brown County residents reach individual opportunities to achieve stability and thrive by supporting local non-profit organizations serving those experiencing the economic and social effects of ALICE and poverty. We encourage applicants to focus on offering opportunities for individuals and families to reach their goals and improve their circumstances in a person first, trauma informed program platform.
The intent of the System of Care three-year grant is to provide funding to support innovative and impactful programs that align with BCUW Community Impact Agenda Investment Priorities. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI-B) are principles of everything we do at BCUW. Our expectation is that all funded programs commit to serving our whole community without discrimination and ensure program improvement that specifically calls out efforts to serve minority populations.
Indicators of Community Impact:
Increasing Access: Provides opportunities to support the health, education, financial goals of all in our community. Creates connection for our community and pathways of continual wellness throughout the lifetime and community.
Ensuring Equity: Ensures Individuals and groups are provided the support they need to meet their specific identified needs.
Reducing Stigma: Addresses the historical and systematic negative impacts of discrimination that has denied individuals and groups health, education, and financial opportunities, treatment, and interventions and reduced the individual and community connection. Works to provide education and opportunity for stigma reduction and systematic change.
- Health: Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Social Well-being for all in our community.
- Education: Pursuit and development of skills and information at all ages and stages of life.
- Financial: Realization of personal potential through available resources that allow individuals and groups to prosper in an economic system.
- Connection: A sense of belonging, social support, meaning, and purpose.
The process of applying for and being awarded a grant is competitive and while we can’t fund every proposal that is submitted, it is our intention to fund those that excel in innovation, collaboration, and alignment to our priorities. Our goal is to make strategic investments in programs and organizations that are working to improve and enhance quality of life and promote a healthy, inclusive, and diverse community.
Proposal must adhere to the following requirements:
- Proposals must take place within Brown County, WI.
- Eligible applicant organizations must be in existence for at least two years. Proposed programs/projects/activities can be new or existing.
- Collaborative applications will be considered. Partnership with another organization(s) requires the submitter to be the designated fiscal agent for the collaborative.
- Collaborative proposals: defined as two or more organizations partnering on the proposal and involves a fiscal partnership, and/or a program component relating to the proposal.
- Define how each partner will be involved in program implementation.
- Specify contributions, highlight the resources, staff, facilities, and expertise each partner will provide. Contributions should be outlined in the narrative section of the proposal.
- Organizations that have never been funded, previously received SOC, or are currently receiving United Way funding through other grant applications are eligible to apply.
- The minimum request considered is $10,000 and the maximum request will not exceed $100,000/grant year.
- The request should be in alignment with the cost and intent of granted program.
- A project performance report, demographic report, and financial report are required yearly and will be submitted via the BCUW grant management system (e-Cimpact).
- Grantees must agree to and sign BCUW’s SOC program funding agreement.
- Funds shall be used solely for the granted purpose. Grantees shall communicate and submit a program amendment with BCUW regarding any changes/updates in the funded program/project/activity. Approval of the amendment is required by BCUW before program changes can occur.
- If the program ends prior to the end of the granting cycle, the agency agrees to return all unused funds.
Applications are submitted via the online grant management system (e-CImpact). The link to access the grant management system is located on the BCUW website. Related SOC information and timelines are posted on the United Way website. Please note:
- Applicants not currently funded by BCUW through other granting programs will be required to register as a new agency; information will be posted as to the details regarding the new agency registration process.
- Organizations will be screened for eligibility at the onset of the application process. If the organizational eligibilities are met, applicants will proceed to complete the application process and submit according to the deadline outlined.
- Applicant deadlines are final, no late applications will be accepted.
August 2023: RFP is announced.
September 1, 2023 – November 10, 2023: Application period is open.
September: Open Q/A session, via zoom (times and links on website).
Applicants may join to ask questions about the RFP, application process, and general questions about the grant. Specific grant proposal questions should be directed to Holly Ladwig, for an individual consultation.
November 10, 2023 11:59 PM: Applications are due.
November 2023-February 2024: BCUW review process.
March 2024: Applicants are notified of approval status and funding amounts.
April 2024: Open Q/A session, via zoom (times and links on website).
Approved Applicants invited to ask questions about funding, reporting, site visits and general questions. Specific grant questions should be directed to Holly Ladwig, for an individual consultation.
April 1, 2024: Funding cycle begins. Data collection begins for reporting.
May 1, 2025: Year One Report due, via the grant management system.
Proposals will compete for available funds in accordance with programmatic criteria and funding priorities.
Applications are evaluated and scored with the following criteria areas:
- Proposal addresses and impacts Brown County residents need as noted in this RFP.
- Alignment with BCUW Priorities
- Proposal addresses how the project will advance one or more of the investment priorities noted in this RFP.
- The timeline and deliverables are reasonable given the funding amount.
- There are adequate resources, staff, and/or volunteers to carry out the program/project/activity.
- Budget & Budget Narrative
- The proposal clearly describes the need for BCUW funding and how funds will be used.
- The proposal clearly describes sustainability for the project after BCUW funding.
- The proposal demonstrates the capacity to collect and measure outputs/outcomes.